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Day Seven: Hope

Ayreon - Day Seven: Hope (Lyrics)
"I've got to fight, I will pull through"

On the outside, Best Friend starts reminiscing about all the good times he shared with Me. His voice comes through clearer now and it helps Me drift away from the sorrow of childhood and into happier times. The two of them were care-free and had the whole world in front of them that they were ready to take on. Best Friend pleads with Me to break out, thinking he's already free; he just needs a reminder of what awaits for him in the real world. Me hears him and calls out to him, but still can't get through. Me knows Best Friend is right, there is still so much to live for, but something is keeping him from escaping right now. He still has unfinished business within his mind.

I find it very frustrating that I feel like I'm stuck. On one hand, I want to be out there away form walls, because there's so much to see in the world, there's so much to live for. But on the other hand, I'm just really tired and I know going back and hiding behind walls is the easy thing to do. I can function there and I can just stay comfortably numb. If I do that though, am I really living? Or am I just gliding through, letting everything pass me by? I know I'm not content with living like that, and when it's all said and done, I do not want any regrets. Especially regretting how I didn't live my life. There's no easy fix though, so I have to keep fighting. I can't give up hope. Deep down inside, I know I'm already free; making the choice to keep fighting is what set me free. I just have to convince my mind to stop holding back.

Previous Posts:
Day Six: Childhood
Day Five: Voices
Day Four: Mystery
Day Three: Pain
Day Two: Isolation
Day One: Vigil
The Human Equation: A 20 Day Experiment


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