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Wasting Time

Directions: Put your Windows Media Player/Winamp/iPod on random, and write down the songs that come up. No cheating!

How does the world see me?
Song: Pink & Blue
Artist: OutKast
Comment: Fair enough. I saw myself as a Red, though.

Will I have a happy life?
Song: One Day
Artist: Bjork
Comment: Good to know!

What do my friends really think of me?
Song: Human After All
Artist: Daft Punk
Comment: It's an easy mistake to make, don't worry.

Do people secretly lust after me?
Song: Robbers
Artist: Cold War Kids
Comment: Ooer… I better not piss them off then.

How can I make myself happy?
Song: Another Sunny Day
Artist: Belle & Sebastian
Comment: I don't know how much control I have over that…

What should I do with my life?
Song: Cigarettes & Alcohol
Artist: Oasis
Comment: Must… Obey… Quiz!

Why should life be full of so much pain?
Song: Expectations
Artist: Belle & Sebastian
Comment: Holy crap, gone a bit Pyhrronistic on me there O.o

How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Song: Sneakman
Artist: Hideki Naganuma
Comment: "Sneak, man." Sounds legally dubious to me.

Will I ever have children?
Song: Trynna Find A Way
Artist: Nelly Furtado
Comment: I assure you, I'm not.

What is some good advice for me?
Song: Accept Yourself
Artist: The Smiths
Comment: Um. Okay then. O.o

What is happiness?
Song: Hi-Definition
Artist: Lupe Fiasco
Comment: You sound just like Rupert Murdoch.

What is my favorite fetish?
Song: Fake Plastic Trees
Artist: Radiohead
Comment: Secret's out, I guess.

How will I be remembered?
Song: Bullet In The Head
Artist: Rage Against The Machine
Comment: Bit disturbing…

What do people assume when they first look at me?
Song: McFearless
Artist: Kings of Leon
Comment: Rock On! Like McLovin but COOLER!

What Will be a big challenge in life for me?
Song: The Child Catcher
Artist: Patrick Wolf
Comment: Then I shall defeat him!

Am I a good friend?
Song: Don't Forget Me
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Comment: So I'm a good friend if I don't forget you? Sorted.

Do I have a Secret Admirer?
Song: Gold Digger
Artist: The Automatic
Comment: I'd rather not!

How will I die?
Song: Six Minutes
Artist: Dungeon Family
Comment: Really!? And I'm doing this quiz?

Is someone trying to kill me?
Song: Metatron
Artist: The Mars Volta

What is my sexual preference?
Song: Dumb Animal
Artist: TV On The Radio
Comment: I deny the allegations and I deny the alligators!

What am I afraid of?
Song: Brain Damage
Artist: Pink Floyd
Comment: I guess I am, a little.

What will I be doing in a few years?
Song: Closer To Your Heart
Artist: Clannad
Comment: That's more 'where' than 'what', but I'll take it.

What should I do instead of this quiz?
Song: Die In The Summertime
Artist: Manic Street Preachers
Comment: That'll be hard, seeing as I have six minutes and it's November.

What is a bad habit that I should try to stop?
Song: Childhood Dreams
Artist: Nelly Furtado
Comment: What a depressing sentiment.

What's for dinner tonight?
Song: Micro Cuts
Artist: Muse
Comment: Like Micro Chips? No thanks.


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