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80,000 Tracks Scrobbled

Another 10,000 tracks down since my last blog here on which was back in March of last year. So yet again the time it's taken for me to hit the next 10k has taken longer than it did the previous time. Also like I said last time I believe this will be mainly due to the fact I play Xbox a lot and go in party chat (I tend not to listen to music whilst chatting to others). The lack of a decent portable music player also lowers my playcounts I reckon. If I could sort out my Windows Phone then I could listen to some music on the move but oh well.

So what have I been listening to in 2011? Well there's 4 albums that spring to mind which I've been listening to quite a bit so far this year. First out was Avril Lavigne's new album which I had been anticipating for a while as I do quite like a bit of Avril. Next was Rise Against's which was a bit out of the blue for me as I wasn't aware they had a new album coming out. First impressions of that were not too good however after listening to it a few times I am now glad to say I really like it although they have had better albums. Shortly after just getting Rise Against's new album Sum 41 finally released their Screaming Bloody Murder which had been in development for a while. It's quite mainstream but I do really like it, I think others will too if they give it a chance. Then finally Foo Fighters released their new album last week, i've listened to that a few times and am delighted to say I like every song on the album, that's a first for me with Foo Fighters.

As I type this I am currently listening to Emmure's new album which came out in February but I only just got the other day. I saw their Solar Flare Homicide single on Scuzz and fell in love with it, it's great to have that feeling towards a heavy song as I haven't gotten in to a heavy band I don't know of in sooo long. Actually I haven't discovered a new band I like in years really, I just tend to stick to bands I know I like and get their new albums. This isn't exactly out of choice, just happens to be what I do. I have slightly gotten in to a few bands like Deaf Havana but that's about it. These days everybody listens to mainstream music too so I feel like I'm the only one that actually still listens to "decent" music. If you're reading this and still listen to bands that aren't blasted on the radio 24/7 then comment or get in touch with me, would be nice to know some people that are like me.

That will do for now, not bad length for an entry in to a journal I touch only once or so a year. See you again when I hit 90,000 tracks scrobbled!


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