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Spotify 経由で Scrobble しているお客様へ

Spotify アカウントを アカウントに接続すると Spotify で聞く音楽がすべてScrobble されます。使用するアプリやデバイス、プラットフォームの種類を気にする必要はもうありません。

Spotify に接続



Artists I've seen live more than once

International artists
5x Megadeth
3x Looking Glass
3x Metallica
3x Regurgitator
3x Slayer
3x UK Subs
3x Vanishing Point
2x Alice In Chains
2x Anti-Nowhere League
2x Bad Religion
2x Black Sabbath
2x Buzzcocks
2x DevilDriver
2x Eagles Of Death Metal
2x Faith No More
2x Frenzal Rhomb
2x Furchick
2x Lacuna Coil
2x Lamb Of God
2x Lord
2x Mayhem
2x Melvins
2x Motörhead
2x Paul Di'Anno
2x Reggie Watts
2x Rust
2x Soundgarden
2x Stiff Little Fingers
2x The Business
2x The Living End

New Zealand artists
23x The House Of Capricorn
17x Malevolence
16x Arc Of Ascent
14x Dying Of The Light
14x Shitripper
14x Somme
12x Filthy Lucifer
11x Horror Story
11x The Bludgers
10x Creeping
10x Graves
10x Just One Fix
10x Shallow Grave
9x Beastwars
9x Lord Of Tigers
9x The Dirty Sweets
8x Black Science
8x Mr Sterile Assembly
8x Nullifier
8x Smoked Salmon Is Better Than Sex
8x The MurderChord
7x Bloodbags
7x Bloodnut
7x Inside Arkham
7x Masters Of Metal
7x Roofdog
7x Sonic Altar
7x Subtract
7x Threat.Meet.Protocol.
6x Burning Solitude
6x Crawler
6x Dawn Of Azazel
6x Dick Dynamite and the Doppelgängers
6x Exordium Mors
6x Interconnector
6x Left or Right
6x Parents
6x Razorwyre
6x Sticky Filth
6x Tainted
6x The Cavemen
6x Triceratops
6x Ulcerate
6x Undiscovered Moons Of Saturn
6x Wizz Kids
5x 8 Foot Sativa
5x Bulletbelt
5x Cobra Khan
5x Diocletian
5x Ferndale Stranglers
5x Human
5x Lager Louts
5x Open Tomb
5x Proton Beast
5x Rogernomix
5x Sabbatic Goat
5x Second Gear Grind
5x Sinate
5x Soulseller
5x Super Narco Man
5x The Newmatics
5x Winter Deluge
5x World War Four
4x Backyard Burial
4x Black Chrome
4x Blind Lemsip Jefferson
4x Cripple Mr Onion
4x Corpsefeast
4x Deja Voodoo
4x El Bajo
4x Feral Breed
4x Forsaken Age
4x Head Like A Hole
4x How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously
4x Kaos And Riot
4x Last Rockers
4x Lichtbeuger
4x Mindriot
4x Mosquito Control
4x Mothra
4x Naquadah
4x Oculis
4x Penny Dreadfuls
4x Sex Pest
4x Shihad
4x Shoutin' Preachin'
4x Sinistrous Diabolus
4x Stormforge
4x The Bloody Souls
4x The Managers
4x This Theory Of Static
4x Trepanation
4x Vicious Rumour
4x Yebiisu
3x 5th Threat
3x Anno Domini Mortus
3x Black Lick
3x Bloodletting
3x Boltcutter
3x Chris Matthews And Robot Monkey Orchestra
3x Chronic Fatigue Sindrome
3x Conniption
3x Dakota Scream
3x Die! Die! Die!
3x Dissolution
3x Dreams Of The Dead
3x Electric Mayhem
3x Freudoids
3x GoatFucking NunRapers
3x Gobsmakt
3x Greenfog
3x Heresiarch
3x Hieronymus Bosch
3x Jealous Itch
3x Labretta Suede and the Motel 6
3x Leeches
3x Litvak Attack
3x Lord Of Solitude
3x Malenky Robot
3x Manfred Manslaughter
3x Mark Bizarre
3x Mean Girls
3x Metal Tower
3x Meth Drinker
3x Moment Of Truth
3x O.D.D
3x PCP Eagles
3x Rackets
3x Ritual Grounds
3x Seanfish
3x Shrimpfist
3x Skuldom
3x Slave Cadaver
3x Slavedriver
3x Slipping Tongue
3x Snakes Of Iron
3x Somebody's Sons
3x Stone The Crows
3x Storehouse
3x The Bemsha Swing
3x The Bilge Rats
3x The Bonneville Stingers
3x The Burial
3x The Drab Doo-Riffs
3x The Hollow Grinders
3x Upraw
3x Used To Be Apes
3x Witchrist
3x X-Ray Fiends
2x Acetones
2x All Hail The Funkillers
2x Atsushi & the Moisties
2x Bad State
2x Badtown
2x Beltane
2x Big Dick and the Jammerz
2x Billy TK & Doug Jerebine
2x Black Boned Angel
2x Blackleaf Gardens
2x Blacktooth
2x Black Tuesday
2x Bleeders
2x Bloodfvkk
2x Carnal
2x Caroles
2x Cask Grinder
2x Clampdown
2x Cosmic Rays of Death
2x Cut Off Your Hands
2x Daniel Canada
2x Dead Vicious
2x Deathbeam
2x Death Throes
2x Deth Becomes Shane
2x Devilskin
2x DIC
2x Dole Day Rage
2x Doug Jerebine
2x Emenda
2x Execrate
2x Fantails
2x Flesh D-Vice
2x Foamy Ed
2x Fornax Chemica
2x Full Fucking Moon
2x Future Theft
2x Garage Fodder
2x Gina's Revenge
2x God Bows To Math
2x Golden Axe
2x Graymalkin
2x Gripper
2x Grrlfriendz
2x Gugonix
2x Gundry Blues
2x Heathen Eyes
2x His Master's Voice
2x Hivemind
2x Hog Haul Valentine
2x Horrendous Disfigurement
2x I, Hybrid
2x In Dread Response
2x Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom
2x i.ryoko
2x Jakob
2x Josef Fritzls Family Jamboree
2x Kerretta
2x Kitsch
2x Leathur Tattoo
2x Little Bushman
2x Lost Rockets
2x Lunger
2x Made In China
2x Magnum Opus
2x Maskara
2x Mason Clinic
2x Missing Teeth
2x Mountaineater
2x Mucus Kids
2x Nigel Wright
2x Night Gaunts
2x Nullity
2x Numbskull
2x Oilbarrons
2x Ois II Men
2x Old Loaves
2x Osmium
2x Pervertor
2x Phone Sex Robots
2x Prisoner Of War
2x ¡Recuerde!
2x Red Hot Pussy Liquor
2x Resporn
2x Roy Jamieson
2x Sam Hamilton
2x Septicide
2x Setentia
2x Seth Frightening
2x Shakhan
2x Shepherds Of Cassini
2x Shut The Hell Up
2x Sick66
2x Skaface Claw
2x Skulls
2x Slavegrind
2x Slavetrader
2x Solid Gold Hell
2x Solomon
2x Spiteful Urinator
2x Spook The Horses
2x Stars And The Underground|
2x Static Era
2x Stone Angels
2x Stonehurst
2x Stone Monarch
2x Supergroove
2x Team Kill
2x Tentacles Of Destruction
2x The Absolutionists
2x The Androidss
2x The Biscuits
2x The Blacklight Configuration
2x The Body Lyre
2x The Checks
2x The Defendants
2x The Dilfs
2x The Fuckronauts
2x The Hasselhoff Experiment
2x The Outsiders
2x The Rabble
2x The Randoms
2x The Renderers
2x The Rocket Jocks
2x The Spelling Mistakes
2x The Symphony Of Screams
2x The U.S.S.A
2x The Valves
2x The X-Features
2x Trash City Victims
2x Vanargandr
2x Vassafor
2x Vesto Slypher
2x Vostok Lake
2x Wasteland
2x Wayne Anderson
2x Weta
2x White Swan Black Swan
2x Will Saunders & The Lowest Fidelity
2x Wrath
2x XfrankgrimesX


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